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Fast card loans are one of the most popular types of credit in Canada. The reason for this phenomenon is obvious: it is online card loans without a passport that allow you to almost instantly solve urgent life issues that require immediate financing. Due to the relatively high costs and small size, a card loan is not suitable for large purchases, repairs, or as a tool to raise funds to start a business in 2024. However, when money is needed urgently, an online card loan has virtually no alternative among other credit products.
To take out an online card loan, you don't need any specific documents. You don't need to visit a branch of a financial institution, although you can apply for a loan there. To get the fastest loan online, you just need a smartphone connected to the Internet and a few minutes of free time.
To get money on credit online to your card, fill out the form on this page. Before proceeding, select the amount you need.
As soon as the required amount and term of the loan are selected, you can proceed to the registration. At the beginning of the online registration procedure, you will need to enter a financial phone number (any number you enter after you issue a card and credit funds are credited to it will be a financial number), and complete an identification procedure, during which the bank will make sure that you are the one who wants to get an urgent loan to the card.
Before you can get a loan on your card, you will also need to fill out an application form. The data you enter, along with information about your credit history, will be used to calculate your credit limit and make a decision on whether to grant you a loan. We know that you want to get a loan without being rejected, but the final decision depends on your credit history and creditworthiness assessment.
This procedure doesn't take much time, and upon completion, we will issue you a free virtual card to which you can transfer, for example, payroll money to your card.
Of course, before that, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the electronic loan agreement and sign it with an electronic signature. If necessary, you can find a template of the agreement and familiarize yourself with it in advance in the Documents section.
Card loans at Profile Credit use the latest technology and allow you to apply for a loan online almost instantly up to 20,000CAD for a period of three to six months. If you need a larger amount or are interested in a longer loan term, pay attention to other loan products of the bank. Among them, there are other types of loans that involve crediting funds to a card.
Please note that in some cases, to apply for such loans, you may need a certificate from your official place of employment showing your salary for the last six months. However, this document is not required when applying for an online loan to a card. No certificates, no paper copies of documents - just a smartphone, the Internet, and a little time.